Flying around to score music

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 19 2005]

It's the season of music-directors flying around to score music for their movies.

While Bharadwaj has flown to Bangalore to score music for his forthcoming film February 14 starring Bharath, Harris Jeyaraj is busy camping in Singapore along with director Murugadoss to compose songs for their forthcoming film Gajini that stars Surya and Asin in lead roles.

In fact, it has now become fashionable for music directors to travel to fancy locations to compose music in the presence of the director and producer.

Like most things in Tamil music, this trend has been started by A R Rehman. He was the one who went to places like Mauritius, Maldives to compose tunes. There is also a trend to go to East European countries for recording the songs.

This a typical Ilayaraja-Kamal style. They had their music for Hey Ram recorded in Hungary, Ilayaraja has just come back from recording the songs for Kamal's Mumbai Express in Budapest.

Indian music sure is going places, nah?