Food delivery boy saves 10 lives during fire accident

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 20 2018]

Acts of bravery are uncommon. Sidhu Humanabade, a 20-year-old Swiggy delivery boy, is in the news for saving 10 lives in the midst of a fire accident that took place in a Mumbai hospital on Monday.  

Going into the details, Sidhu was at ESIC Kamgar Hospital when he noticed that a fire had broken out over there.  Firemen had already reached the spot and started their work.  He took their help to reach the 4th floor, broke the window glass with a heavy object, and entered the floor searching for stranded patients.  He helped save 10 patients with the help of the firemen.

Since smoke choked him, the youngster has been hospitalized.  A Minister in the Maharashtra government has visited him and appreciated him for saving precious lives.  

An employee of a food delivery app was recently in the news for secretly eating food from a parcel.  The video went viral, triggering public indignation.  In contrast, here is a food delivery boy who has shown the value of bravery.