Forensic Bollywood remake: This actor to play the lead role

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,December 12 2020]

As reported earlier, Tovino Thomas' crime thriller 'Forensic' is all set to be remade in Bollywood. As per the latest report, young actor Vikrant Massey will be playing the lead role in the remake that will be produced by Mini Flims' Mansi Bagla.

In Hindi Films, we have always seen cop movies but have not seen a movie on a forensic officer who plays a vital role in solving any crime drama. Vikrant is a perfect fit for this role and I'm so glad to have him on board, says Bagla . Meanwhile, Vikrant said in a statement that Forensic is an intelligent movie and that he was too excited to work in the film.

'Forensic' has Tovino Thomas playing a medico-legal advisor working in the Kerala police’s forensic science lab. Mamta Mohandas essays the role of an IPS officer. Actors Reba Monica John, Saiju Kurup, Giju John, ‘Lilli’ fame Dhanesh Anand, Renji Panicker, Anwar Shereef, Anil Murali and many others are part of the supporting cast.

More details regarding the Bollywood remake is yet to be out.