Former JNU student leaders chargesheeted for 'sedition'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,January 14 2019]

The Delhi police have filed a long chargesheet against former JNU student union leaders Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid, Anirban Bhattacharya, Aquib Hussain, Mujeeb Hussain, Muneeb Hussain, Umar Gul, Rayeea Rasool, Bashir Bhat and others under the anti-sedition law of the IPC. They have been accused of encouraging a crowd to raise anti-national slogans in February 2016. These students mostly belong to Communist unions.

Following the filing of the chargesheet, Kanhaiya Kumar, the former JNU president, said, I would like to thank police and Modi Ji. The filing of chargesheet after 3 years, ahead of elections clearly shows it to be politically motivated. I trust the judiciary of my country.

The Congress party has slammed the Narendra Modi government, saying that it is a political step to divert the attention of the people. Almost 3 years too late, the Modi Govt has again used the police to distract attention from the issues that matter - Jobs, agrarian distress & economic mismanagement, the party said.