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The movie 'Fredrick' is a psychological thriller that is directed by Rajesh Butalia. This movie features Prashant Narayanan, Tulna, Anna Ador and Avinash Dhyani in the lead. 'Fredrick' Film is produced by Manish Kalaria.

The movie revolves around a 16-year-old boy named Maanav, he is strong and intelligent at the age of sixteen his behavior is much different when compared to others kids. He has a unique mind which makes other children fear that he will end their dreams. Finally in the end, Fredrick finds the real reason behind his behavior towards other kids. Maanav show tremendous mettle and skills in spite of the odds they face in his society. The film tries to bring light upon untouchable issue in our society.

The film is scheduled to release on 27 May 2016.