Fun on the sets of David

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 19 2012]

Bejoy Nambiar David is an intense drama set in 3 eras.. the unit however got some chance to exercise their lips and tickle their funny bones due to one common factor the name ‘David’.

It happened that coincidentally most of the people working in the unit were of the name David including people working backstage.

So whenever there came a time where David was called for some work, it would be the most hilarious time. It would create a lot of confusion among all the David's present there.

Also considering the gist of the film, which talks about 3 generation of people named David, all the 3 David would confuse themselves being called. If ever a David was called out for the shot, some other David would end up running to the director. Being confused was the prime problem faced by everyone on sets.

However, it eventually became entertaining for everyone present including the Davids as they kept laughing over it!

Who said ‘what’s there in a name.. ehh’..