GVP questions PETA, Supreme Court, Modi and Paneer

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 18 2017]

Diminutive romantic star G. V. Prakash Kumar has become the most vociferous voice for the Jallikattu and following his direct tweet to Modi earlier, he has hit the Supreme Court, PETA and the State Government with strong questions.

  1. Again to Modi GVP has asked "If the Congress has banned the Jallikattu cant you life it or are you taking revenge for our anti Hindi stand?"

  2. To the Supreme Court "Last year when you could pass the judgement within two days why the same is not enough? Are you loyal to PETA money?

  3. For PETA "When you want a ban on Jallikattu which is conducted once every year, why are you going blind and deaf about the tones of beef export that happens every day? Is bringing the extinction of our bulls on your agenda or because you use leather products?

  4. To TN Government " When you voice your support for Jallikattu why you resort to lathi charging the protesters? Is because of the fear of the Center dissolving your rule?