G V Prakash to Bollywood

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 03 2010]

With A R Rahman enjoying a glorious career also in Bollywood and Hollywood apart from Kollywood, his nephew, G.V. Prakash is also extending his borders. The wonder kid of music is all set to charm the Bollywood.

Famous choreographer-filmmaker, Farah Khan’s husband Editor-Director Shirish Kunder is doing a film with John Abraham in the lead and G V Prakash has been approached by Shirish Kunder for the music. Shirish is the editor of the super hit films ‘Main Hoon Na’ and ‘Om Shanti Om’ directed by Farah Khan. Shirish directed the well received Jaan-E-Mann in 2006 starring Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar and Preity Zinta.

Also the prolific filmmaker Vikram Bhatt has shown serious interest in the music of G V Prakash for his future projects.

G V Prakash is enjoying the super success of his music in ‘Aayirathil Oruvan’ Currently the young composer is busy with ‘Madhrasapattinam’, a period film directed by Vijay. Arya is the hero.

Listen to GV Prakash's Hits on Raaga.com