'Gabbar Singh': Pawan's speech proves he was destined to do it

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 11 2017]

It was on this day (May 11) in 2012 that 'Gabbar Singh' hit the screens.

The mass entertainer established the standing of Pawan Kalyan as the Numero Uno star of his generation once and for all. For an actor who had been delivering either duds or underwhelming films for about a decade, the film came as a booster shot of sorts, whether or not successes or failures matter to him.

During the pre-release function of 'Katamarayudu', Pawan would talk about how the energy he had lost many years ago was regained while shooting for a police station scene for this movie.

"I was watching 'Khushi' a day before its release (in 2001). During interval, something in me told me that bad days were upon me. I couldn't sit there any longer. I came out out of the hall. I felt I had lost hunger. I regained my strength only during the making of a police station scene for 'Gabbar Singh'," Pawan said.

This could mean that 'GS' came as a God-send for Pawan. He was destined to do the Harish Shankar directorial. It gave him his energy back. So also his legions of fans got their energy back!