Gauri Khan becomes RTI ambassador

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,February 25 2014]
Talented film producer, interior designer and style icon Gauri Khan has volunteered to become a Brand Ambassador for Round Table India (RTI), which is known to have made impact in the lives of 5.2 million children since its inception. This exciting announcement was made at an event held at her recently launched interior store ‘Gauri Khan - the Design Cell’ at Lower Parel.

On the occasion of this store launch, Gauri Khan while endorsing RTI, said, I am extremely pleased and proud of the achievements of Round Table India. I truly believe in their cause of educating underprivileged children and giving them a new and assured future. I would like to reiterate my support to RTI in providing education to children and would like to support all their endeavors going forward. I will also try and involve my friends and family from the industry to help in this great cause wherever possible.
In the field of creating of infrastructure for education of the underprivileged children in the country, since 1997, the year in which their national project Freedom Through Education was formally launched; RTI has built 4712 classrooms in 1720 schools across India at a total outlay of Rs.130 crores impacting the education of 5.2 million children.
Incidentally, RTI over the years received generous support from many thought leaders & celebrities such as Kajol and Ajay Devgan, Puneet Rajkumar, Narain Karthikeyan and many more.

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