Gautamiputra Satakarni Hyd schedule details

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,May 06 2016]

The makers of Gautamiputra Satakarni have firmly set out to complete the film so as to be able to release it on the coming January 12. This Balakrishna-starrer will go on the floors from May 9. The first schedule is scheduled to take off in Morocco. Krish must have zeroed in on this North African country as its landscape is apt for this movie set at least two millennia ago. The period war-drama, that sees Nandamuri Balakrishna in the role of the greatest Telugu emperor ever, is expected to be one of the most visually-rich films ever in Telugu, of course, after Baahubali. Recently, the Hindi actor Kabir Bedi has been roped in to play an important role. He will partake in the Moroccan schedule.

The news is that, after the three week schedule, the team will film in Hyderabad. A set will be erected in the city for this purpose.

This Sankranthi, it was Dictator and next Sankranthi, it's GS. This historical-drama is jointly produced by Rajeev Reddy and Krish. Devi Sri Prasad is the music director.