Glamour certified clean 'U'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 22 2010]

View Glamour Gallery

A film made with the backdrop of the film industry is Glamour. Starring Karishma Kotak (of Shankardada Zindabad fame) in the lead, the film chronicles grime and dross behind the glime of the glamour world.

There were many notable films in the past that depicted the superficiality of the world of films, and this one is the new addition.

P Sathya Reddy is directing the film. He said, It is about the many ones who come to the colourful world without an understanding (of what it is in real). The experiences they meet is what the film is all about.

Pinnelli Ramakrishna Reddy, Jeeva, Dharmavarapu, Srihasini will be seen. Bombay Ravi is the music director. Ramakrishna is the art director.