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Global Baba

The movie 'Global Baba' is a movie based on spiritual babas of India. This country is known to be the land of sadhu and babas, where religion is given the first priority in one's life. India can perhaps be titled as the land of babas, with thousands of devotees blindly surrendering themselves to godmen. Actor Abhimanyu Singh will be essaying the role of a godman in this movie while playing the lead in it.

The movie features other actors like, Pankaj Tripathi, Ravi Kishan, Sandeepa Dhar, Akhilendra Mishra, Sanjay Mishra  and many more in the movie.

The movie 'Global Baba' is directed by Manoj Sidheswari Tewari and produced by a galaxy of stars like Vijay Bansal, Priya bansal, Executive Producer Harsh Vardhan Ojha. The movie will hit screen on March 11, 2016.