God will decide my political entry: Rajini

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 25 2010]

Superstar Rajinikanth has said it is up to the God to decide whether he would enter politics or not. He said this while replying to a set of questions from his mentor K Balachander at the 40th year celebrations of Directors Association in Chennai Saturday.

“I don't know, it’s in the hands of Almighty”, Rajni shot back, when Balachander asked him “will you enter politics or not?” Talking about politics, Rajini admitted that his favourite leader was former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.

When KB wanted to know as to how the top actor would repay millions of Tamils and the Tamil industry which crowned him as a Superstar, Rajnikanth said, “I will do what would make them proud”.

Known for his plain-speaking, Rajnikanth said, “I have no idea about penning an autobiography now. In that case it has to an honest one and I feel in that process I may end up hurting some people”.

“Mahatma Gandhi had the guts to write such an autobiography. I will do so when I get the guts”, he added.

When Balachander asked whether stardom had robbed him (Rajinikanth) of his privacy, he said, “Of course yes. I have become a victim of circumstances. I miss my private life. But Sivaji Rao, the simple man, is always awake inside me”.

Asked if he would follow in the footsteps of his great friend from Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan and act in films aimed at national awards, Rajini replied, “It’s in the hands of my directors”.