Google unleashes Gemini against ChatGPT

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,December 19 2023]

When OpenAI introduced ChatGPT last year, it marked the dawn of a transformative era. This AI chatbot quickly captured global attention, becoming a viral sensation as users harnessed its capabilities for various purposes. From crafting music to composing poetry, and conducting research to engaging in lively Q&A sessions, ChatGPT became a versatile tool for creativity and information.

The surge in ChatGPT's popularity didn't go unnoticed, triggering a reported code red situation at Google. Despite Google CEO Sundar Pichai later dismissing these claims, the tech giant responded with its own AI chatbot named Bard. Recently, Google unveiled Gemini, a powerful large language model that promises to revolutionize AI with its multimodal capabilities. Bard is now powered by Gemini, signaling a new chapter in the competition between ChatGPT and Google's offerings.

The landscape of AI dominance is taking shape, with ChatGPT being recognized as the pioneer in human-like conversation, while Google stands as the formidable 800-pound gorilla in online search.

As the race for supremacy unfolds, only time will reveal the ultimate winner. For now, let's delve into the evolution of ChatGPT and Gemini, the two AI chatbots captivating users worldwide.

ChatGPT's Evolution:

Launched by OpenAI in November 2022, ChatGPT has undergone significant enhancements. Initially running on GPT-3.5, subsequent updates introduced a premium version powered by GPT-4, OpenAI's most potent large language model (LLM). Users witnessed improved response quality, affirming GPT-4's prowess, as attested in OpenAI's official blog post.

Gemini's Arrival:

In May, Google unveiled Gemini during its I/O event, showcasing the chatbot's multimodal capabilities that piqued the curiosity of tech enthusiasts. Last week, Google officially launched Gemini, heralding it as their most capable and general model. Benchmark tests revealed Gemini's superiority over ChatGPT in various domains, except for specific tasks related to HellaSwag, highlighting common-sense reasoning.

Benchmark Tests:

Gemini excelled in General, Reasoning, Math, and Code areas, outperforming ChatGPT in most respects. Notably, Gemini Ultra achieved a groundbreaking 90% score, surpassing human experts in Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU). While Gemini's multimodal prowess was showcased in image, video, and audio tests, Google admitted discrepancies in a promotional video, managing expectations but not dampening Gemini's promise.

The Road Ahead:

With ChatGPT continually evolving, evidenced by the upcoming GPT store, and Gemini making strides in the AI landscape, the future promises intriguing developments. The competition intensifies, shaping the narrative of AI's role in our lives. As these two giants vie for dominance, the unfolding chapters of innovation and breakthroughs await the verdict of time