WATCH: Gopi Sundar and girl friend Abhaya Hiranmayi workout together

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,September 09 2021]

Malayalam music composer Gopi Sundar and popular singer Abhaya Hiranmayi are in a live-in relationship for the past ten years. Ever since they announced their relationship in public, the couple has been painting the town red. A day ago, Abhaya took to her social media handle to shared a video of herself and Gopi Sundar hitting the gym together. In the video, the couple is seen walking on the treadmill. Sharing the video, Abhaya wrote, Discipline. After a long time I started to practice discipline, Discipline is actually self-motivation and pushing ourselves, Just praying to be more disciplined and peaceful, Life has its ups and downs and people who try to motivate themselves will be more peaceful, I won’t say the term win”or winning because it’s relative, You never will win or lost in your life You eventually live your life !❤️.

In the past, before their relationship became public, Abhaya had revealed that she was involved with a married man. Later she openly confessed through her social media page that she is in a relationship with Gopi Sundar. The singer wrote that she is in a relationship with a married man who is legally trapped for the past nine years. She added that both of them have an age difference of 12 years. Before Abhaya, Gopi Sundar was married to Priya and has two kids from the marriage, Yadhav, and Madhav. They had an unsuccessful marriage and eventually opted for divorce. Proceedings for the same are still going on. The divorce case is still in court and the musician is yet to get a clearance from the same. There have been reports doing the rounds that the two are considering to tie the knot.