Famous guitarist John Anthony no more - A.R.Rahman and other music directors mourn

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,January 21 2019]

Popular guitarist John Anthony passed away aged 62 on Sunday due to a massive cardiac arrest that occurred while he was rehearsing at his home in Pujappura, Kerala. He ran a rock band in Chennai from 1980 and was brought into the cine field by A.R. Rahman and Sivamani. Chetta as he was fondly called has played the guitar for more than 2000 film songs in Tamil and Malayalam, was an acclaimed cartoonist and an environmental activist as well. He is survived by his wife Supritha John and son Siddharth John.

A.Rahman has stated on his social media Will miss you Johnny Cheta ...RIP. Santhosh Narayanan has expressed It is a rude shock to hear that my dear musician and splendid guitarist John Anthony is no more. Prayers to his family and friends. A big loss to art. Cannot forget the days we spent together as independent travelling musicians. Rest in Peace sir !. Sean Rolden has stated RIP John Anthony. We have lost a sensational musician.