GV Prakash Kumar to help drought hit farmers through Jallikattu song

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,January 09 2017]

A few days back IndiaGlitz had reported that young music director G.V.Prakash Kumar has composed a song in support of Jallikattu along with lyricist and singer Arunraja Kamaraj. ALSO READ: GV Prakash composes Kombu Vecha Singamada a son in support of Jallikattu penned by Arunraja Kamaraj.

The song which will start with the words 'Kombu Vecha Singamada' will be released very soon,

Now GV Prakash has announced that the entire revenue generated through the song will be given to farmer belonging to various agrarian districts of Tamil Nadu who are struggling to make ends meet due to the drought like situation in most parts of the state.

It is to be noted that many farmers have died either by suicide or by getting heart-attack due to shock.

On the other hand Jallikattu has to be conducted during Pongal festival which is a few days away from now. but eh legal battle in Supreme Court to lift the ban on the traditional bull-taming sport shows no sign of heading towards success.

These two are the most concerning issues for Tamils across the globe and it is praiseworthy that GV Prakash and Arunraja Kamaraj have done something really useful to address both.