G.V.Prakash's noble initiative for cyclone affected Kanyakumari

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 22 2017]

Be it Jallikattu or Neduvasal or Anti-NEET, G.V.Prakash has stood in the forefront for any issue that will affect Tamil people. Now young actor-music director has raised up for the Fishermen of Kanyakumari which has been affected by 'Ockhi',  one of the severest natural disasters

As we all know hudreds of fishermen who went to deep sea areas for fishing before Ockhi struck the coast are yet to return. Hundreds have died and hundreds are still missing. The livelihood of many fishermen and their family members have been severely affected.

To help the fishing community. G.V.Prakash has started an online campaign to raise 1.5 million (Rs.15 lakhs) for the relief and rehabilitation of families of the dead/missing fishermen. He has also deputed volunteers to donate the relief measures for the people at this time of grief.

He has shared the link for the fundraising campaign and requested people's support to help the affected fishermen families. Please donate howsoever you can.