Hansika about Simbu, Vaalu and Her New Love

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 13 2015]

We caught up with Juliet' Hansika amidst her busy Romeo Juliet' promotions and the young and bubbly actress gave an open hearted no holds barred interview and here are the excerpts on the three hot questions Simbu, Vaalu' and her new love life.

You have been linked with Simbu and then the break up how do you take it?

Well I have tweeted about it and there was a break up which came out in the media. Everyone has a breakup in their lives and I think everyone should experience love. But that is the past now and we both have moved on and now we wish the best for each other.

What about your on screen chemistry with Simbu?

I have not seen Vaalu' yet, but I am sure it will be good. We are actors and our best part is to emote whatever we can but I don't know how the audience will take it and the best judge would be the audience.

Will you promote Vaalu'?

Obviously I will promote Vaalu'. It is my film, I am the lead actress in it , I play a major part and I will promote the film. The reason I am not promoting the film on social media now is that I don't know when the film will come out and don't want to give the wrong release date to my fans. The day I know the confirmed release date I will tell my fans asking them to please go see it. Vaalu' is a great script and I have been part of it for the past two and a half years.

How is your love life going?

I am in love with myself, with my friends, with my family, with kids, with life and my movies.