Happy Birthday, Chiranjeevi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,August 22 2012]

Debates on Chiranjeevi discoursed on his birthday (August 22) may deal with where he might be placed by his political masters in 2014, but for those in the industry the question is about whether he will have acted in his 150th film by that year. More than anything, a glorious comeback in films interests his cine fans.

It must be remembered, with caution, that Chiru never had plans to bid adieu to politics (even after the humiliating defeat of the erstwhile PRP in the 2009 polls), but always maintained before and after the political arangetram that if ever he was going to don the greasepaint, it will be tentative.

Thus, the difference between actor Chiru and politician Chiru is one film - a precious film, his 150th entertainer.

Vijayendra Prasad may or may not concoct a tantalising idea for him, Chinni Krishna may have already written a script, he may never act in Paruchuri Brothers' Vuyyalawada Narasimha Reddy, but it is certain that Chiru will want to do the balancing act in his imagined message-oriented film. It is because he is a government man, who cannot be anti-establishmentarian.

Whether something extraordinary is going to come from him or not, what is certain is that his 150th film is not in the sight for now.

Be that as it may, we wish that Chiru will shake up the Box Office by at least making flashy appearances in Cherry's films.