Happy Birthday, multi-faceted BA Raju!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 06 2018]

Wearing many hats comes as second nature to him. He was once a journo and he is still one at one level. He has been a star PRO, having worked on a whopping 1500 movies thus far. He is also a producer with a passion for making wholesome entertainers in partnership with his wife B Jaya - 'Premalo Pavani Kalyan', 'Chantigadu', 'Premikulu', 'Lovely' and 'Vaisakham' should be mentioned.

Starting out as Superstar Krishna's trusted intellectual associate, BA Raju has since become an elder for many Tollywoodians to fall back on. Several star heroes and production houses have seen the indispensability of collaborating with him.

He is an entity whom producers/heroes/directors, big and small, count on. A professional who delivers the goods thanks to his hands-on experience, Raju is a household name among the who's who of Tollywood.

As he celebrates his birthday today (January 7), Raju and his wife are ready to take their next project to the floors from this June.

May this year bring him prosperity and success! IndiaGlitz wishes him a spectacular year ahead.