Harshika signs another Tamil film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 25 2011]

The pretty heroine of Kannada cinema Harshika Poonacha studying in Engineering has already made a strong foothold in the tinsel town. Recognized for lively performance and good attitudes Harshika Poonacha signed her first Tamil film ‘Ananda Thollai’ and now completed her second film ‘Ningal Vittu Pillai’ in the direction of Prashanth Mambally (who directed 18 hours film ‘Sugriva’ in Kannada). Vishnucharan son of former minister in Tamil Nadu was her screen hero in that film. Harshika Poonacha plays the village belle the only literate girl in the village. She is the daughter of head of the village.

Talented and eager to learn and progress Harshika has plans to dub for the Tamil film. In Kannada Harshika had a moderate hit in ‘Murali Meets Meera’, she is doing ‘Pari’ in Sudhir Atthavar direction and ‘Adwaitha’ opposite Ajay Rao the popular hero.

‘I want to finish my crucial examinations’ – I have not given nod to quite a few offers says the sweet looking Harshika Poonacha.