He still talks tough

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,June 01 2005]

The Teja ban issue may be lying in the wait.

But the man in the centre of it all is not even one bit worried. In fact, he shrugs it off with typical nonchalance.

He simply says that the whole decision was unfair. The main complaint against him is that he overshot the budget for Dhairyam. "A director is not an accountant. Should I look into the script or the ledger books?"

He doesn't stop at that. He says "true, a broad outline is taken on the budget before going for the shoot. But it usually goes beyond that due to various extraneous reasons".

He goes to the extent of suggest that none of his films has every made losses for the producers. "We have never lost money in any of our films. I always had the profit on my table before the films were released."

On Dhairyam he clarifies that he had alerted the producers that the schedules were going not according to schedule. But they kept quiet then. But want the money back now, he seethes.

Teja, who says he has seen worse situations, assures that he will bounce back from this, too.

Confidence is the man, surely.