Hema blasts media for dragging her name in pub raid incident

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,April 03 2022]

A gigantic rave party was today busted by the task force police at the Radisson Blu pub in Banjara Hills. The raid happened at 3 am. As many as 150 revelers were detained by the police.

Sections of media today reported that Hema, a character artist in the Telugu film industry, was also present in the pub during the raid. Hema came out in the open and said that she was needlessly being dragged into the incident-related news. She added that she will be lodging a police complaint. 

Speaking to the media, Hema said, It's true that the drugs mafia is ruining many lives. Even school children are doing substance abuse. She came to the defense of Tollywood. It has been reported that about 150 members have been detained in today's raid. How many of them are related to the film industry? Why is the whole industry being painted with a broad brush? Not everyone who was present at the pub and who was detained took drugs during the rave party, she added.