He's the most energetic musician I've seen : Chandrabose

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,April 05 2014]

Famous lyricist Chandrabose, Tammareddy Bharadwaja, Ishika Singh ('Hrudaya Kaleyam' fame), Tummalapalli Rama Satyanarayana, T.Prasanna Kumar etc have attended as the chief guests for the audio launch of a film titled 'Premalo ABC'.

Talari Nagaraju is the director and renowned social worker J.V.Reddy is producing th movie on AG & AG Entertainments banner. Yelender Bygella is the music director of this film.

Tammareddy Bharadwaja launched the banner logo and audio of the film. Chandrabose received the first copy and also launched the theatrical trailer of the movie.

Chandrabose said that Yelender Bygella is the most energetic music director he has worked with and he hopes that the movie will sure become a big hit.

Tammareddy Bharadwaja admired the producer J.V.Reddy for his social work . I hope this movie becomes a big hit and support the producer in his social welfare programmes.

The director thanked the producer for trusting him and said that he will not forget his help in his life.