Highlights of Pawan Kalyan's latest press briefing

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 07 2018]

Actor and Jana Sena leader Pawan Kalyan on Wednesday evening interacted with the media. He said that faith in the state government to secure Special Category Status is waning as far as he is concerned.

"There is no clarity over how much funds have come from the Centre. Confusing signals are coming from Central and state governments. Some of them are lies for sure. There is a need to form a Joint Action Committee comprising of the likes of Undavalli garu, Lok Satta's Jayaprakash garu and such experts. We need a separate platform," Pawan said.

He regretted that Jana Sena didn't choose to contest in 2014. "Had we contested, maybe, our party would have been in a better position to fight for the people," he said.

When asked about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech in the Parliament today, Pawan said that sympathy for the Telugus doesn't suffice.

When asked about his support to the NDA in 2019, Pawan shot back saying it's not time for politics.