Highlights of Pawan Kalyan's Anantapur speech

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,November 10 2016]

Speaking at Seemandhra Hakkula Chaitanya Sabha in Anantapur, the Jana Sena chief lashed out at the Centre and the State govt for taking the people for a ride on the Special Category Status issue.

Pawan reiterated many of the points he raised in his last political speeches. Saying that the language spoken while making the promise was one thing, whereas the language spoken now is ambiguous/misleading, he stood by his description of the special package to AP as a rotten laddoo. He took a serious exception to those in power walking away with glory despite not delivering on their SCS promise.

"I supported the NDA because they promised to bring in the finances required for the State's development. I can't keep quiet if they reneged on the promise. They cheated us. A new chapter has begun in politics," he thundered, adding how the Polavaram project could be called a national project when the Centre has met only half the budget for its construction.

Talking about the drought and scarcity in the backward Rayalaseema region, Pawan said that while the region had got a great history, it had no drinking water. Saying that the state and the Centre shouldn't mock at the self-respect of the region's people, the Jana Sena chief questioned as to when the promised Central University will become a reality for Anantapur.

He invoked Kalluru's 'Thakattulo Bharata Desam', a book suggested to him by his late father.

He revealed his plan to contest from Anantapur district on MLA ticket come 2019 Assembly elections. "The first-ever office of my party will be set up here. I will also contest from here in the 2019 polls. It doesn't matter to me whether I win or lose. I want to stand with the people in fighting for their problems. I am not bothered about whether people stand with me or not," he said in his usual style. Pawan also said that his party will work with a team of experts who have researched on the specific problems faced by the district's people. In his speech, he questioned the State Government on its sincerity toward the district.

He also made a mention of late Puttaparthi Sathya Sai Baba in a positive sense. "When individuals can render so much of good work, why can't the system do that? Although I was not born in this region, I will fight for the people. I have got nothing personally against any leader. If anything, I only have policy-related differences with them," he said.

He said that the people of Rayalaseema felt the new capital is a distant land. He suggested that it is generating separatist tendencies and that there is a danger of the State of Andhra Pradesh getting divided into two. He warned the leaders to give a thought to that probability.

Saying that he transcended caste in supporting the TDP, Pawan Kalyan appealed that everyone be seen as equal stakeholders in the State's development.

Describing Anantapur as one of the most backward regions in the country, he promised to visit it frequently, whether or not he wields power.