HLN Raj 'KLS' all Set

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,January 29 2015]

What is the quantum of participation or involvement of a producer to the making and marketing of a cinema? You have direct answer to it. That is HLN Raj a highly qualified personality with six degrees, educationist, and realtor, actor and film producer of Kotigond Love Story'.

A director is captain of the ship while a producer is the owner of the ship. HLN Raj has made a thorough study and deeply involved in the story, screenplay, shooting, selection of stars and in post production activities of his much cherished project KLS' that has many significant issues in the film. For the first time a Whale' is in significant CG effect on silver screen in a Kannada cinema. It jell so well to the climax says Raj.

A film in reverse style of screenplay is a focus on those who commit suicide. A thinker, philosopher and guide to innumerable people in the society already HLN Raj has acted in the role of a doctor in the film. This is after praying at the two legendary personalities Dr Rajakumar and Dr Vishnuvardhan memorial to get inspiration to act. The role supposed to be played by versatile actor Ananthnag, HLN Raj made it to look very cool.

As a matter of fact the cinema related functionaries are nothing new to this gentleman producer HLN Raj. He was running a theatre on lease for five years. At this stage he gathered information on all the three major sectors of cinema making.

Investing a few crores and seeing the first print HLN Raj did not keep quiet. He sent his team with a beautifully decorated vehicle with Koti Hrudayagala Ambari'. This chariot of KLS starting from Sirsi home ground of director of the film Jaggu Sirsi went around travelling 5000 plus kilometers. The purpose of this visit is to bring awareness among the people of Karnataka to come and watch the film. A quiz, trailer, CD distribution and gifts were part of this KLS' publicity campaign.

Multifaceted personality HLN Raj Kotigond Love Story' is all set for release in February.