How Anurag Kashyap made 'Ugly' actor to cry?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 24 2014]

Anurag Kashyap's 'Ugly' is a dark thriller just like all his films, but this film is also very emotional. In one of the sequences Rahul Bhatt was supposed to cry, but he just could not get the emotions right. He was finding it difficult to get into the mood and portray what was required.

So in order to get him to actually feel what was required, Anurag Kashyap took him to the vanity van to have heart to heart talk. The two actors discussed their early days in the industry and how they had to struggle in the beginning. Hearing Anurag's story Rahul was so moved that tears actually poured out of his eyes and he could not stop crying.

This allowed for the perfect shot and Anurag got exactly what was required.