Hrithik Roshan refused to star in this Aamir Khan film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,August 05 2021]

Multistarrer movies have always been a rage among the audience. People love to see their favourite stars interact on the big screen. Usually such projects are hard to cast due several dates and comfortability problems. In one such instance, superstar Hrithik Roshan turned down an opportunity to share screen with Aamir Khan.

Makers of 'Rang De Basanti' wanted Hrithik to play a pivotal character but the actor turned them down. The role was eventually played by Siddharth.

Recalling the issue, director Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra said, Every known actor kept declining the role to play Karan Singhania. I had first offered it to Farhan Akhtar. This was a time when he had never acted in a film before and was one of the most respected young directors. He was both surprised and amused. When I narrated it to Abhishek, he told me point-blank, ‘I thought you are crazy but after hearing your narration I think you are completely nuts’.

Rakeysh concluded by saying, I requested Aamir Khan to put in a word with Hrithik Roshan. Aamir even went to Hrithik’s house. ‘It’s a good film—kar le’ (do it). But it wasn’t meant to be. Finally, Siddharth signed on the dotted line in January 2005, one month before the shoot. He had never done a Hindi film before.