Man refuses to accept food from Swiggy's Muslim delivery boy, complaint filed

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,October 25 2019]

A man reportedly refused to accept food from a delivery boy employed by Swiggy as he was Muslim. The Swiggy executive has filed a police complaint against the individual at the Shah Ali Banda police station.

The incident happened on Wednesday night in Hyderabad when Swiggy assigned Mohammad Mudassir Suleman to deliver 'Chicken - 65' to Ajay Kumar from the Grand Bawarchi restaurant at Falaknuma. In the 'preference' section, Ajay had mentioned, Very less spicy. And, please select Hindu delivery person. All ratings will be based on this. However, Ajay got angry when he called Mudassir and asked for his name. He asked my name and when I revealed my identity, he was angry. He shouted at me for not honoring his preferences. He said he was rejecting the delivery because I was a Muslim, Mudassir mentioned in a statement.

Ajay then called the Swiggy customer care and verbally abused them for sending a Muslim delivery executive despite his instructions. The fact is Swiggy does not go by the religion of the person. Indeed, you hardly get a Hindu delivery person in Falaknuma area. The system automatically assigned the order to me. I reached the location based on GPS. By hearing my name, the customer got angry, rejected the delivery and shouted at me that his preference was not honoured. The customer had a heated argument with the customer care executives and ended the call threatening to delete the App forever, Mudassir further added, according to a report.

Swiggy, in a statement regarding the issue, responded, We embrace diversity and respect different points of view. Every order is automatically assigned to delivery executives based on their location and availability, among others, and not based on individual preferences. As an organization, we do not discriminate between our partners and customers on any grounds.