I am a "netawadi", not "gandhiwadi", says Kangana Ranaut

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,September 10 2022]

Popular actress Kangana Ranaut makes more news about her controversial statements and political views than she does about her work and her craft. On Thursday, during a public event in Delhi, the actress stated that she considers herself a netawadi instead of a gandhiwadi. Kangana also talked about how nation has ignored and looked over the efforts of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and Veer Savarkar in India's independence struggle.

The actress stated, I have always said that I'm Netawadi, not Gandhiwadi. For this, several people get troubled by the way I speak. Everyone has their own way of thinking and I believe that the struggle of Netaji and several other revolutionaries like Savarkar (Veer Savarkar) ji have been completely denied. Only one side was shown that said 'slap me on one side of my face, I'll turn the other one also' (It was said by Mahatma Gandhi). Only that side was shown that we achieved freedom by doing hunger strike and Dandi march. That's not the case.

She added, Lakhs of people sacrificed themselves. Netaji campaigned around the world to bring forth the dire situation of India by taking part in World War 2. He also built an army and had active participation thus building pressure on the British. He gave the power to whoever he wanted, he wasn't hungry for power. He was hungry for freedom and he made the country free.

On the work front, Kangana was last seen in the critically and commercially failed film 'Dhaakad' and currently she is working on her historical political thriller 'Emergency'.