I break, I cry, I fall: Ileana

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 16 2018]

Ileana, who once confessed to having body dysmorphic disorder in the past, the other day took to Instagram to suggest that she did go through really tough time grappling with appearance issues.

I break. I cry. I crumble. I fall. I beat myself up over the way I look. I will find fault with myself. I lose sense. I lose perspective. I forget who I really am. I focus on the negativity. I feel completely helpless. And all I want to do is give up, she said.

I feel weak. Unable to take the scrutiny. Unable to deal with the harsh words of the many many faceless people who thrust their opinions onto me. How I should look, what I should wear, what I should say, whom I should be seen with, she added.

In an interview to a news agency, the 31-year-old actress said that she is not pregnant as has been rumoured widely.