I feel fortunate to have acted in 'Manam' : Amitabh Bachchan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,May 30 2014]

Big B Amitabh Bachchan, who has played a cameo role in 'Manam', said that he is very fortunate to have acted in a film, in which ANR has acted.

He said I am really fortunate to have acted in this film. My bond with Akkineni family is not new. Akkineni Nageswara Rao is one of the few personalities, who are considered to be legends in Indian film industry. He has served the industry so much with his great talent. Though he was in such a great position, he used to be very down to earth and jovial whenever he met me. He used to be like a normal man. But the love for art and acting inside that normal looking man is unbelievable. As he has acted in this film, when my friend Nagarjuna asked me to play a small role, I immediately agreed. I convey by best wishes to Akkineni family and everyone who is behind this film.

Though Amitabh Bachchan has played a very small role, his appearance onscreen has been making the audiences feel very happy.