I have ample time to prove myself: Shruthi Haasan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,February 17 2012]

Saying that she is not in a hurry, Shruthi Haasan avers that her journey in the film industry has just begun. I have never asked myself this question: What is my place in the industry? It is because my journey has just begun. I have lot of time to prove my mettle. I do not nurse the desire to spend my time with a handful of films. I am not after the numbers game. Many tend to believe that having as many films as they can have is a measure of success. I will take my sweet time to act in good films, she says.

The Gabbar Singh actress is playing a challenging role in the film, opposite Pawan Kalyan. She has recently acquired a name for her own with 7 Aum Aviru in Tamil.

Ask her if she believes that everything is pre-destined, Shruthi dishes out wise words. I do not believe in that fatalistic philosophy that we get only what was preordained in our fate. I do not subscribe to such kind of thinking. We get nothing without putting an effort. If we have not achieved anything, it simply betrays our ineptitude.