I have pledged my organs: Vijay Deverakonda

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,November 16 2022]

Vijay Deverakonda has supported a noble cause. During the pandemic, he helped out middle-class families with financial support. This time, he is backing a cause so dear to healthcare practitioners and some policy-makers: Organ donation.

The pan-India star, while speaking at an event organized by a Hyderabad-based hospital, said that he has pledged his organs so they can be used for the needy. The importance of organ donation has to be emphasized today. The Liver Pancreas Foundation of Hyderabad has been set up with the right intention. I came to know that many organ transplantation surgeries happen because of public donorship supported by the government. It is incredible that we have so many people donating their organs on humanitarian grounds. In South Asia, organ donation is not going great guns. I have pledged all my organs, Vijay said.

He added that organs shouldn't be allowed to go waste and that they have to be kept healthy so that they are fit to be donated after our death. Not only Vijay but also his mother has pledged her organs. You continue to live on in some way if you donate your organs. Your generosity will keep you alive, Vijay said.