I haven't gone anywhere - Nargis Fakhri

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,December 12 2011]

Where is Nargis Fakhri? That's the question which is pretty much making the rounds ever since 'Rockstar' released over a month ago and turned out to be successful Bollywood sojourn for the young woman. Even though Ranbir Kapoor is still basking in the glory of all the appreciation and accolades coming his way, what with the world waking up to his bravura act, Nargis has surprisingly stayed in the background despite a good enough screen time in the film. This is what led many to wonder whether this was a momentary career step for Nargis and if she was serious about facing the camera again.

Puhleeze, why would I give it up after slogging so much for over two years, says Nargis in an animated tone, I am very much here and want to pursue my career in acting. I am not going away anywhere. Honestly it wasn't a dream to become an actress but now that I have tasted blood, there is no way I am going back.

She continues, I know there were some who thought that I wasn't keen to continue in this profession for long. Some felt that perhaps I have disappeared into mountains or something. Naah, none of that is happening. I wish to explore newer characters and see what the universe has to offer to me.

We too would want to see that Nargis.