I play a complicated girl: Wamiqa

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 09 2016]

Wamiqa, the actress of Bhale Manchi Roju fame, is bracing up for her second release in Telugu. In this exclusive interview to IndiaGlitz, the fledgling actress talks about her character in Nannu Vadili Neevu Polevule, why Manoja is a complicated girl, how this relationship drama directed by Gitanjali Sri Raghava is different from what we get to see in Bollywood, and more.

What's your character in Nannu Vadili Neevu Polevule?

I play Manoja, who is a complicated girl. She wants to fall in love and has been waiting for her guy. How life brings a lot of complications in her life, how she struggles with everything and finally falls in love forms the subject of the film.

What do you mean by 'complicated girl'?

You see, all girls and boys are complicated. We are all complicated emotionally. In this film, Manoja used to be complicated emotionally, but she eventually becomes strong. There are lots of shades to my character.

You have said Manoja makes a wrong choice in love. Will the audience be able to connect with such a character?

Every youngster goes through all that. A boy has been bad to you, he has hurt you, but you would still want to be with him and love him. It would be wrong to choose such a person but a girl chooses him. Only in case of love, making “wrong” decisions gives you peace.

How is this relationship drama different from what we get to see in Bollywood?

The story and screenplay are very realistic. Audience will instantly related to the characters. There is no cine glamour. When my parents watched the film, they couldn't see Wamiqa. They couldn't see that it's their daughter who is the actress. They only saw Manoja.

What makes you say that you will get more number of offers after this than what you got for Bhale Manchu Roju?

This film will be a better film for me because the whole story revolves around me. You will see me from the word go till the end. Although BMR was great, in this film my talent is on display in a bigger way.

In BMR, you got to wear only one costume. Did you get to wear colourful costumes here, at least?

(Laughs). I wear salwar, simple kurta, a pony tail here. Even if I had make-up, they would make me remove. In BMR, I wore full bridal make up.

Your father is a poet. Your mother is an educator. How did you develop interest in acting?

Everything which comes under the category of art, is art. My grandpa used to be a very good singer. My brother is into music and theatre acting. My dad always tells me to do only that which makes me happy. If you want to become a teacher, become one and be happy. Give your 100% in whatever you are doing. Happiness is the most important thing in life.

What is your Women's Day message?

Women who smile are the strongest. Be strong. Keep smiling.