'I' Release Finalised

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 10 2015]

Trash the debates, 'I' is a Pongal treat, it is! This time, it is not from the know-how, associates or predictions, but from Picture House Media, directly. The controversies are all to be pushed aside, and 'I' will hit the big screens, as promised, on 14th January. As per the media house's statement, "issues were only business oriented, and were discussed and sorted to arrive at a decision in the best interest of the film industry." So, those of you who leaped forward to have your entertainment pre-booked, fret not, for the plan is on.

It was a settlement of money between Picture House Media and Aascar Ravichandran, producer of 'I' that lead to the confusion over the film's release for the currently blocked slot. Now that everything is in the clear, Shankar's magnum opus starring Vikram and Amy Jackson in the lead, which has been in the making for four long years, will indeed be a Pongal 2015 treat for one and all - in 36 languages, worldwide!