I wanted to reject the film using dad's no as excuse: Chay

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 30 2018]

Naga Chaitanya's first reaction when he was approached to play his legendary grandfather ANR in 'Mahanati' was to say a big 'No'. But he couldn't say it upfront to Nag Ashwin.

When Nagi offered me the role, I thought I will ask my father first. I believed Nanna garu will definitely say no. I thought I will have an excuse to reject the film. I wanted to tell Nagi, 'Intlo oppukoledu'. But once I was on board, I was ready to give my all. I was ready to give even 500 or 1000 takes if the need be, the 'Savyasachi' actor says.

Chay was asked to be himself. I was told not to try to be exact. I was asked to act just keeping the essence in mind. That helped me a lot, the actor adds.

The 'Yuddham Sharanam' actor shares an interesting anecdote about what drove him to watch 'Devadasu', ANR's classic. Fifteen years back, I was asked (by my teacher) if I had watched the film. When I said no, I was banished from the class. I was asked to come back only after watching it, Chay reveals.

Which scene in 'Mahanati' took a lot of effort for him? I love the way Devadasu plays with a stick while talking to Parvathi. I wanted to portray the mannerism with ease. I worked a lot on it, he says.

Shooting for the two minutes in the movie was the most nervous experience of my life, Chay says.