I was dejected because of mixed talk: Nithin

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 14 2017]

Nithin has said at a success meet of 'LIE' that he was dejected when the film opened to a mixed talk in the domestic market.

"I wasn't able to sleep well on the night of 10th August. I slept in the wee hours and when I woke up at 9 a.m., I felt happy with the positive reports from the US. But in India, the film opened to mixed talk. Hanu (director) and I were dejected with the talk. We were not sure what went wrong and the entire hard work we put in for the last one year seemed as if it was all a waste," he said.

However, Nithin is happy that, on the weekend, the film started generating a positive buzz. "But I am now happy that, gradually, the film has been getting a positive talk. On Saturday, about 65-70 per cent of common audiences who watched the film liked it. On Sunday, more than 85 per cent audiences liked it. So I attended the success meet now," he said.

The actor praised the producers of 14 Reels for choosing to bankroll the project. He revealed that he had asked Hanu to include songs, fights and comedy scenes only if there was a need.