Bharathiraja and Seeman fight for Ilayaraja - Video

Isaigniani Ilayraja has been renting space at the Prasad Studios premises for the past forty years and most of his hit movies numbering around thousand have been created there. A few months back the management has forced the legendary composer to vacate and have been causing hindrances to his properties there. It is said that there is a plan to bring down the building soon and hearing this Bharathiraja, Bhagyaraj, Seeman and others from the film fraternity gathered before the studio in Saligramam and conducted an agitation.

Bharathiraja then spoke to the media and conveyed that the MD of the group is not in station and it has been requested to give Ilayaraja some time to shift to a new premise. He also stated that the film fraternity will come together to arrange a brand new studio for Ilayaraja who has immensely contributed to the film world.

Ilayaraja meanwhile received the Life Time Achievement Award at the Golden Jubilee International Film Festival of India in Goa.