Imran Khan celebrates New Year with movie marathon

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,January 08 2015]

Imran Khan said to have welcomed the New Year in cinematic way... It is said that the 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na' famed actor was on a movie marathon this party season. The young actor culled out a lot of films to watch this vacation season.

According to our sources, Imran has been wanting to watch his grand dad's films since a while and took this opportunity and watched some of them once again. While Imran has grown up on films and watched his grand dad's films umpteenth number of times he likes to keep watching them time and again. He feels every time he watches the movies there are new things he discovers. Also the manner of storytelling and the old world charm is very vibrantly alive in his style of filmmaking.

Imran spent a lot of time at home with his daughter Imara and alongside that he watched movies for 8-10 hours at a stretch. Imran has an interesting bank of films and likes to watch them as and when possible. He has a great set-up of a projector at home and it almost gives a theatre like feeling. He had the perfect mix of family and passion to bring in his new year which seems to have started on a very positive note.

Shared Imran, "It was a special new year for both Avantika and me. We were home most of the time spending time with Imara." He further revealed, "While I was home I watched a lot of my grandad's films again like Teesri Manzil, Yadon Ki Baarat, Tumsa Nahi Dekha, Dil Deke Dekho. It was like a movie marathon."

On his work side, Imran is currently shooting for his next, 'Katti Batti'.