Imran Khan's nuclear threat makes him a laughing stock

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 27 2019]

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is not ready to calm down. In the wake of what the Indian government has done to Article 370, Khan has threatened nuclear war with India. This is his second such threat in a matter of fewer than 25 days.

If conflict moves towards war then remember both nations have nuclear weapons and no one is a winner in nuclear war and it has global ramifications. Superpowers of the world have a huge responsibility. Whether they support us or not, Pak will go to every extent, Khan has been quoted saying.

Needless to say, the last part of the statement shows how irrational Khan is threatening to become. Till now we thought only suicide bombers believe in mutually assured destruction. Does Imran Khan even know the macabre import of what he is saying? That Pakistan will go to the extent of inviting annihilation? asks commentator Kanchan Gupta.