In search of Bapu, relevance of Gandhi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 09 2017]

A group of youngsters have taken a look at the relevance of Gandhian principles in ‘In Search of Bapu’. Aryan Shivakumar heading the team of this 23 minutes short film has worked on the application of Gandhian principles in the present society.
The protagonist Mohana played by Sumanth Shetty is the one who grows in life with values of Mahatma Gandhi in him. When he goes ahead with the same principles in life he is cajoled. His lover also detach from him. The Gandhi principles following in life put him in isolation.

Suman Shetty a vegetable vendor is in the lead role. He has spent 1.5 lakhs of rupees on this short film. Pallavi Shetty is female lead. Aravind Raj, Ranjith, Arjun Krishna, Santosh and others are in the cast.

Somu Ganganna cinematography, Somashekhar editing, Vijeta Chandra music form the technical crew.

For the premiere show of this ‘In search of Bapu’ Big Boss fame Pratham was present. I am following my life with Gandhi principles he said. He was honored on this occasion.