Indian Army officer, two jawans killed in clash with China

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,June 16 2020]

In a sad development, the Indian Army on Tuesday said that an Army Colonel and two soldiers were on Monday night killed in action during a clash with China's troops. The incident happened at one of the standoff points in the Galwan Valley, Ladakh. The martyred Colonel is a Commanding Officer of an infantry battalion.

The Indian Army said that the face-off was violent and it happened during the ongoing de-escalation process at the Galwan Valley. It said that casualties took place on both sides. That is, Chinese troops, too, were killed.

As per a Global Times reporter from China, five Chinese soldiers were killed in action.

No bullets were shot. It was probably some hand-to-hand combat.

China, meanwhile, has called on India to not take unilateral actions or stir up trouble. China has also accused Indian troops of entering its territory.