Indian couple give reason for naming their new born twins Corona and Covid

The names Corona and Covid strike instant fear amongst most people in the world as the virus is running rampage so far infecting 1,203,292 persons and causing the deaths of 64,747. In India too at the time of this writing 3588 have tested positive with 99 losing their lives.

However, Preeti Varma and her husband hailing from Chhattisgarh have named their newborn twins, a girl and boy, Corona and COVID. She has stated to news persons With vehicular movement stopped, we both made it to the hospital somehow late at night after a lot of suffering and the delivery happened after facing several difficulties and therefore, my husband and I wanted to make the day memorable. Besides, these names are beautiful in their own, with Corona being Latin for crown, added Vinay Verma, the father. Also, we want the fear associated with these names to end and the public to focus on sanitation and hygiene..

Viinay and Preethi have also shared that the majority of their families are objecting to their naming of Corona and Covid and they may be forced to change at a later date.