'Dangal' makes Aamir Khan's daughter Ira the happiest! READ WHY

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,November 03 2016]

'Dangal' trailer has totally blown audiences away with the kind of thundering response that it has gathered! The first content of Aamir Khan's next has nailed it with the kind of appreciation and applaud still coming in! However news is Aamir's real Daughter is the happiest with this particular role of her dad!

Ira, Aamir's real daughter is very happy and glad that Her father is finally essaying the role of a father to girls! Unlike his earlier films like 'Raja Hindustani', 'Fanah' and 'Talaash', Aamir has certainly played a father but however in all these films, the actor has played a role of a father but all those have been to boys!

This is for the first time that Aamir will be seen playin a father figure to girls! Although here the actor is playing a role of a father not to one but to 4 girls!

Ira has been heard talking about same as to how she is very glad that her dad will now finally be a father to girls! Confirming this, a spokesperson added, "Its for the first time that Aamir will be playing a father figure of 4 girls, the curiosity and the anxiety of the audiences to witness the same is increasing".

Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, 'Dangal' is slated to release on 23rd December, 2016.