Irrfan Khan wows international critics with 'Inferno'!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,October 18 2016]

If there's any Indian actor who consistently performs with the ace of his speech is Irrfan Khan. The impeccable actor who has an even more impeccable dialogue delivery skills has managed to do it again with his latest Hollywood release, 'Inferno'. Directed by Ron Howard, Irrfan manages to shine amongst an array of talented ensemble including Tom Hanks, Felicity Jones and Omar Sky. The actor has been applauded across by the audiences and critics of being a charming relief in the film with some of the best dialogues to his credit. The international reviewers have in agreement praised Irrfan calling him perhaps one of the best elements of 'Inferno'.

Each time Irrfan comes on screen he lands up cracking everyone up with the perfect sarcasm and wit in most serious of situations! Well we couldn't agree more with the feedback that Irrfan has fetched for his role.

The Empire said, "Irrfan Khan shows up to goose things a little. He's Harry 'The Provost' Sims, head of the laughably shady organisation known as the Consortium, and he merrily throws spanners into everyone's plans and looks good doing it. Frankly he's the best reason to watch the film's second half".

The Variety quoted, "The enigmatic Provost (a ripe Irrfan Khan, having the most fun of anyone here), head of a shady consulting group on no ones exact side"

The Independent said, "Irrfan Khan's character, the very dapper, the very well spoken, Harry "The Provost" sims is the kind of character you would find in one of Edward's comedy thrillers".

When asked Irrfan about it he said, "Audience reactions are the best redemption for any actor and I am thrilled to keep my audiences happy. Glad they liked my role in the movie."

We can't wait for the next venture of this global star.